Course curriculum
Welcome to the E-Suite Entrepreneurs Mastermind!
Week 1: E-Suite Entrepreneur Mindset & LEAN Overview
Week 2: Address a Real Need
Week 3: Message for Success
Week 4: Data-Driven Business
Next steps
Welcome to the E-Suite (Video Message) FREE PREVIEW How to Prepare for E-Suite Entrepreneurs Before We Begin... -
Week 1 Outline Week 1 Welcome from your Coaches! Entrepreneurial Mindset Mindset Assessessment- Use with Mindset Video Test your learning LEAN Canvas Overview Assignments - LEAN Canvas Model: E-Suite Style What Problem Am I Solving? Assignment: What Problem Do I Solve? Week 1 Wrap-Up -
Week 2 Outline Week 2 Welcome from Your Coaches Who Is My Customer? Who Is My Customer- Assignment What Solutions Do I Offer? E-Suite_Entrepreneurs_Reference_Solutions Task: Post Your Solutions Test your learning Week 2 Wrap-Up -
Week 3 Outline Week 3 Welcome from Your Coaches Playing the Game: What is My Unfair Advantage? Channels Assignment: Identify Channels for Awareness & Distribution Bonus: Channel Success Through Referrals Channeling Success through External Networks Unique Value Proposition Homework: Unique Value Proposition Week 3 Wrap-Up -
Week 4: Welcome from Your Coaches Week 4 Outline Identifying Metrics The Cost of Doing Business Understanding The Cost of Doing Business My Cost of Doing Business My Revenue Model -
You'e Almost Done! Blank E-Suite Entrepreneurs LEAN Canvas
Pricing options
Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.
6 x $625.00
3 x $1,225.00